—- Python CIMP 8A Code Lab 4

—- Python


Code Lab 4

Write a program that asks the user to enter 5 test scores. Theprogram will display a letter grade for each test score and anaverage grade for the test scores entered. The program will writethe student name and average test score to a text file(“studentgrades.txt”). Three functions are needed for thisprogram.

def letter_grade( test_score)

Test Score

Letter Grade









Below 60


return letter grade

def calculate_average_grade( test1, test2, test3, test4,test5)

add 5 test scores together with asum

divide the sum by 5 for an average

return the average

def main() Starting function

           In a loop for 4 students

Enter student name

                      In a loop for 5 test scores

enter test score

                                  call letter_grade(test_score)

                                  display testscore and letter grade

                      After loop

                                  call calculate_average_grade (test1, test2, test3, test4,test5)

                                  display average test score

                                  write to output file –


average test score and

letter grade for average testscore



Code Screenshot:


#Function to find the letter gradedef letter_grade(test_score):   if test_score <=100 and test_score>=90:       return ‘A’   if test_score <=89 and test_score>=80:       return ‘B’   if test_score <=79 and test_score>=70:       return ‘C’   if test_score <=69 and test_score>=60:       return ‘D’   if test_score <60:       return ‘F’

#Function to calculate the averagedef calculate_average_grade(test1, test2, test3, test4,test5):   sum= test1+test2+test3+test4+test5   #Calculate average   average = sum/5   #Return result   return average

#Main Functiondef main():   #Declaring the requiredvariables   test1=0   test2=0   test3=0   test4=0   test5=0   #Prompting the user for name   name = input(“Please enter your name: “)   for i in range(5):       #Prompting the user fortest scores       test_score = int(input(“Enter test”+str(i+1)+” score: “))       print(“Test Score:”,test_score,”Letter Grade:”,letter_grade(test_score))       if i==0:          test1=test_score       elif i==1:          test2=test_score       elif i==2:          test3=test_score       elif i==3:          test4=test_score       elif i==4:          test5=test_score   #Find the average   average = calculate_average_grade(test1, test2, test3,test4, test5)   #Display the average   print(“Average: “,average)   #Open file   with open(“studentgrades.txt”,”w”) as f:       #Write name average andlettergrade to file       f.write(name)       f.write(“\nAverage Test Score=”+str(average))       f.write(“\nLetter Grade=”+str(letter_grade(test_score)))

#Function call to mainmain()

Sample Output:

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