Question Immigration in the U.


Immigration in the U.S. is viewed in a variety ofdifferent ways and has surfaced as a major area of controversy. Forthe purposes of our course, immigration can contribute in apositive way to our nation’s diversity as the authors point out.Equally important are the views of Americans on undocumentedimmigrants as we sort out among the two options in addressing theirpresence in the U.S.   Please review the two optionsbelow and adopt one of the two options below and articulate anINFORMED argument . There is no right or wrong answer and yourresponse should be clearly supported with facts and details usingthe information provided you.                                           

Option 1. Enforce the Law Requiring/encouragingunauthorized immigrants to depart the country.

Those who support this approach argue thatunauthorized residents are in the United States in clear violationof the law and that their presence variously threatens socialorder, national security, and economic prosperity.

Option 2. Grant qualifying unauthorized residentsvarious benefits, including an opportunity to obtain legalstatus.

Supporters of this approach do not view unauthorizedimmigrants in the US as lawbreakers, but rather as contributors tothe economy and society at large.


Informed argurment for Option 2: Grant qualifyingun-authorized residents various benefits, including an opportunityto obtain legal status.

First, the reason for choosing option 2 isbecause its consturctive & prgressive in itself. Its isfocusing on solution and not just the problem.

Second, its thought provoking in a way it iscalling for authorities to find out a process for people who arePro-US and contributing in the economics activities of the nation.The productive residents are good for any society wheather they aretagged as authorised or un-authorised. They have ability togenerate value grow it in the interest of economy. They are taxpayers too…

Third, for survivals every individual needsaminities & benefits which in turn gets them going in thefavour of a growing economy. So it is imperative to give theseindividuals a respectable status to keep their morale high andremain a contributing resident.

In a nutshell, though it may not be easy but it calls for out ofthe box in giving productive,contrubuting & constructiveresidents their due in the form of a respectable legal status.

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