Questions pertain to the 2003

Questions pertain to the 2003 film, The Corporation.

8. In what context can this film have the maximum impact?

a. Does the film have a polarizing effect?

b. Can it affect legislation and government regulations ofbusiness? How?

9. In a poll on our website, a majority of people suggest thatthe film convinces them that corporate  

    charters need to be revoked and thesystem rebuilt. Is this plausible?

a. Can individuals within anorganization overcome its inherent flaws?

b. Do you envision a return to earlierforms of business ownership and management, orsomething   




a)Th film shows the negative elements in the corporate businesspractices and criticize them for their psychopath behaviour. Iteven says that they don’t care about law or people are anyone. Theydon’t care about safety of others they only care about is money.This things will have polarizing effect because not every one willagree that every corporate business will be working like thesefollowing the practices like this.

b) If after watching the film if government feels that everycorporation in the society is working like this by following thesepractices which make them look like a psychopaths than governmentwill try to regulate them by keeping rules that will hurt them.Somostly I think government will form new legislation and regulatethem.


a) No individual in an organisation cannot overcome their flawsbecause they have to follow them to survive in that corporateculture. These people either have to blend with the organisation orleave job but can’t change or overcome their flaws. The main reasonis that these people want to earn money and fame in thatorganisation so even if they know they are doing wrong also theywill do that thing.

b) I wish old ways will be more helpful because people in thosedays using to have some ethics even in doing a business ortreating. Old days in business pwoppe used to treat even employeesas their own as a family. I will be voting for that old systemrather than new system.

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