read the quotation from song of myself

What is verse in Song of Myself? – The term “free verse” was popularized by 20th century poets like William Carlos Williams and Allen Ginsberg whom Whitman inspired. The term means “a poem with no regular form or meter.” If that’s the definition, then “Song of Myself” is free verse.

Which statement best describes how these lines reflect the theme of the poem they indicate that Whitman? – Which statement best describes how these lines reflect the theme of the poem? They indicate that Whitman is more interested in communicating with individuals than society.

What statement best explains why Whitman chose the phrase every atom for the last line? – For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. What is the effect of the word “atom” in this line and later in the poem? It emphasizes the narrator’s belief that every parcel of the Earth belongs to everyone.

Which statement best describes the way the sections in the excerpt from Song of Myself? – Which statement best describes the way the sections in the excerpt from “Song of Myself” are constructed? They show unique sides of a universal worldview.

What is a poem free verse? – Nonmetrical, nonrhyming lines that closely follow the natural rhythms of speech. A regular pattern of sound or rhythm may emerge in free-verse lines, but the poet does not adhere to a metrical plan in their composition.

What is the main idea of Song of Myself? – There are three important themes: the idea of the self, the identification of the self with other selves, and the poet’s relationship with the elements of nature and the universe. Houses and rooms represent civilization; perfumes signify individual selves; and the atmosphere symbolizes the universal self.

What is the meaning of the poem I celebrate myself and sing myself? – There is a reason Walt Whitman, writes “I Celebrate Myself, and Sing Myself,” to show the importance of loving yourself and cherishing your own personal qualities as a human being. He speaks of himself, hoping to grab his readers’ attention.

What is similar about the love that is expressed in that I did always love and why do I love you sir? – What is similar about the love that is expressed in “That I did always love” and “‘Why do I love’ You, Sir?” In both poems, love is the cause of great pain. In both poems, love is shown to transform the speaker. In both poems, love manages to exist despite great odds.

What is the effect of the phrase but just ourselves in the lines above? – What is the effect of the phrase “but just Ourselves” in the lines above? It gives the poem a humble tone. It conveys the personal nature of the speaker’s journey.

How does the word tramp affect the tone of this line Song of Myself? – How does the word “tramp” affect the tone of this line? It makes the tone of the line vaguely humorous.

What does I celebrate myself and sing myself and what I assume you shall assume For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you mean? – This poem celebrates the poet’s self, but, while the “I” is the poet himself, it is, at the same time, universalized. The poet will “sing myself,” but “what I assume you shall assume,/For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.” The poet loafs on the grass and invites his soul to appear.

What I assume you shall assume meaning? – Rather, the meaning of this line is: “what I understand, you shall understand; what I believe, you shall believe; what is true for me shall be true for you.”

What is the most accurate conclusion that readers can draw from these lines in the selection from Song of Myself? – What is the MOST ACCURATE conclusion that readers can draw from these lines in the selection from “Song of Myself”? I celebrate myself, and sing myself,And what I assume you shall assume,For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. Whitman views humanity as an epic hero.

What effect does free verse have on the speaker’s voice and subject in Song of Myself? – The poem ‘Song of Myself’ explores the freedom of being one’s true self, and free verse strengthens the speaker’s individuality and liberty. It helps the author present the wandering nature of a speaker. Whitman also uses free verse as a means to connect to his audience and establish a friendly, conversational tone.

What is most likely reason the author choose a free verse structure for Song of Myself? – What is the most likely reason the author chose a free verse structure for “Song of Myself”? Free verse suited the poet’s mood when he was writing the poem. The poet had an obvious aversion to rhyme and meter. A more open structure is often easier to manage than a formal one.

What literary devices are in Song of Myself? – He uses simile and metaphor, paradox, rhythm, and free verse style, to convey his struggle between the relation of the body and soul, the physical and the spiritual being.

What are the metaphors in Song of Myself? – Whitman continues the metaphor of seeing grass as the rebirth of the dead into the cyclical nature of life. He makes this a hopeful message by saying that death is actually “luckier” than life. The way that Whitman speaks about matter never disappearing just being reused and reformed feels almost scientific.

What effect does free verse have on the speaker’s voice and the subject in Song of Myself? – The poem ‘Song of Myself’ explores the freedom of being one’s true self, and free verse strengthens the speaker’s individuality and liberty. It helps the author present the wandering nature of a speaker. Whitman also uses free verse as a means to connect to his audience and establish a friendly, conversational tone.

Which quote from Song of Myself contains apostrophe? – Section 49: He addresses the grass of graves through apostrophe, “O grass of graves.” Section 52: Whitman gives or “bequeaths” himself to “the grass I love.” This line returns to the image of the grass as graves.

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