Real life applications of Pois

Real life applications of Poisson distribution with explain

The uses of Poisson distribution in real life and how?
and Real life applications of Hypergeometric , binomial ,geometric distribution with explain
The uses of Hypergeometric, binomial, geometric distributionin real life and how?



Real life application of Poisson distribution:

Number of accidents at a certain location

Explanation: Probability of accident is extremely small butnumber of vehicles is quite large. So Poisson Distribution can beapplied to estimate the number of accidents in a certainlocality



Real life application of Hypergeometric distribution:

Consider the situation in a factory where 100 items are producedper day. We supply these parts in boxes of 500 items every week.Thus, lot size = 500. It is known that 2% items are defectives.Suppose sampling inspection of 25 items is done. Then,the number ofdefective items out of 25 items can be obtained throughhypergeometric distribution.Hypergeometric distribution isapplicable when items are selected out of a finite lot size withknown number of defects and sample items are selected withoutreplacement.


Real life application of binomial distribution:

Consider a test consisting of total of 20 question. Eachquestion has got 4 multiple choices of which only 1 choice iscorrect. If a student randomly selects each answer, we can find outhis probability of success in the test using BinomialDistribution.Binomial Distribution is applicable when the totalnumber of trial is fixed, each trial has only two outcomes, theprobability of success in each trial is constant and the trials areindependent.


Real life application of geometric distribution:

Consider the owner of a store wants to know how many customersenter a store until that customer makes a purchase. Geometricdistribution is applicable when one is interested in the expectednumber of failures before the first success.

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