Recall in the one sample hypot

Recall in the one sample hypothesis testing scenario that weinvestigated the following presumptions based on previous research,”no evidence currently exists supporting or refuting the use ofelectric fans during heat waves” in terms of mortality and illness,as well as Public Health guidelines suggesting not using fansduring hot weather, with some research reporting the potential offans accelerating body heating.

You decide to further your research project by hypothesizingthat the true average core body temperature amidsthigher ambient temperature and humidity levels for thepopulation who do not use electric fans is different thanthose who do use electric fans, setting the levelof significance at 10% for the formal hypothesis test. Inother words, you extend your sampling to two samples instead ofjust one. You randomly sample 32 and 39 participants for your firstand second groups, respectively, based on your research funding andfor 45 minutes, all study participants sit in a chamber maintainedat a temperature of 108 degrees Fahrenheit (i.e., 42 degreesCelsius) and a relative humidity of 70%. After the first 45-minutewarming period, for Group 2 only you place a personal sizedelectric fan 3 feet away with its airflow directed at a givenparticipant’s chest area, and the participants relax in thisposition for the next 45 minutes, whereas for Group 1 you do notprovide electric fans. At the end of this 45-minute fan period, yourecord the core body temperatures of all participants. Thefollowing table comprises the data you collect.

Table 1. No Fans
Subject Core BodyTemperature (°F)
1 107.2
2 105.2
3 106.4
4 106.5
5 106.3
6 105.6
7 106.3
8 105.6
9 105.7
10 106.2
11 105.4
12 106.2
13 105.3
14 105.9
15 105.4
16 106.5
17 106.8
18 106.1
19 106.8
20 107.5
21 106.3
22 105.2
23 106.2
24 105.6
25 106.1
26 106.4
27 106.7
28 106.7
29 107.3
30 106.9
31 106.1
32 105.6
Table 2. Fans
Subject Core BodyTemperature (°F)
1 98.5
2 99.1
3 99.3
4 97.9
5 97.9
6 97.7
7 98.5
8 97.9
9 98.3
10 98.1
11 98.4
12 97.3
13 98.2
14 99.2
15 98.7
16 97.0
17 97.4
18 98.0
19 98.3
20 98.3
21 98.4
22 98.7
23 98.6
24 97.8
25 97.7
26 99.5
27 97.8
28 98.4
29 97.7
30 97.8
31 98.7
32 97.7
33 98.3
34 98.4
35 97.9
36 98.6
37 99.1
38 98.2
39 97.9

Per Step 4 of the 5-Steps to Hypothesis Testing, computethe test statistic using the appropriate test statistic formula.Assign groups 1 and 2 to be no fans and fans,respectively.

Please note the following: 1) in practice, you as the analystdecide how to assign groups 1 and 2 and subsequently interpret theresults appropriately in the context of the data, though for thepurposes of this exercise the groups are assigned for you; 2) youmay copy and paste the data into Excel to facilitate analysis; and3) do not round your numerical answer that you submit as the onlinegrading system is designed to mark an answer correct if yourresponse is within a given range. In other words, the system doesnot take into account rounding. On the other hand, rounding ispreferable when formally reporting your statistical results tocolleagues.


From the above table we see that p-value=0.2726*2=0.5452>0.05so we can assume, population variances are same.

Now we test that the true average core body temperature amidsthigher ambient temperature and humidity levels for the populationwho do not use electric fans is different than those who do useelectric fans, setting the level of significance at 10% throughfollowing steps.

Step 5: Hence we conclude that the true average core bodytemperature amidst higher ambient temperature and humidity levelsfor the population who do not use electric fans is different thanthose who do use electric fans.

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