Researchers determined that 60

Researchers determined that 60 tissues is the mean number oftissues(μ) used during a cold. Suppose a random sample of 64Kleenex users (n) yielded the following data on the number oftissues used during a cold: sample Mean (X bar) = 57.5,S = 4. Suppose the alternative you wanted to test wasH1: μ ≠ 60. State the correct rejection regionfor α = 0.1.

Select one:

a. Reject H0 if t < -1.6694 ort >1.6694.

b. Reject H0 if t > 1.9983 ort < -1.9983.

c. Reject H0 if t < -1.6604.

d. Reject H0 if t > 1.6604.

A researcher is attempting to show statistically that the femaleMBA graduates have a significantly lower mean starting salary thanthe male MBA graduates. Which of the following is an appropriatealternative hypothesis?

Select one:

a. H1: μfemalesmales

b. H0: μfemalesmales

c. H0: μfemalesmales

d. H1: μfemalesmales

The marketing manager for an automobile manufacturer isinterested in determining the proportion of new compact-car ownerswho would have purchased a side curtain air bag if it had beenavailable for an additional cost of $300. The manager believes fromprevious information that the population proportion is 0.30 (π).Suppose that a survey of 100 new compact-car owners is selected (n)and 45 indicate that they would have purchased the side curtain airbags. If you were to conduct a test to determine whether there isevidence that the proportion is different from 0.30, what will beyour test statistic(Zstat) value?

Select one:

a. 3.27

b. 2.35

c. -4.103

d. 1.091

If an economist wishes to determine whether there is evidencethat mean family income in a community is more than $50,000

Select one:

a. a two-tail test should be utilized

b. either a one-tail or two-tail test could be used withequivalent results.

c. None of the above.

d. a one-tail test should be utilized.

Researchers determined that 60 tissues is the mean number oftissues used during a cold(μ). Suppose a random sample of 64Kleenex users (n) yielded the following data on the number oftissues used during a cold: Sample Mean ( X bar) = 57.5, S= 4. Using the sample information provided, calculate the value ofthe t-test statistic.

Select one:

a. t = -4.00

b. t = 4.56

c. t = -2.5

d. t = -5



Researchers determined that 60 tissues is the mean number oftissues(μ) used during a cold. Suppose a random sample of 64Kleenex users (n) yielded the following data on the number oftissues used during a cold: sample Mean (X bar) = 57.5,S = 4. Suppose the alternative you wanted to test wasH1: μ ≠ 60. State the correct rejection regionfor α = 0.1.

a. Reject H0 if t <-1.6694 or t >1.6694.


Since the alternative hypothesis is two-tailed,therefore, the two critical values at 0.1 significance level fordf=64-1=63 are:

A researcher is attempting to show statistically that the femaleMBA graduates have a significantly lower mean starting salary thanthe male MBA graduates. Which of the following is an appropriatealternative hypothesis?

Answer: d. H1: μfemales< μmales

Explanation: Since the claim is that the female MBAgraduates have a significantly lower mean starting salary than themale MBA graduates, therefore, the alternative hypothesis is oftype left-tailed

The marketing manager for an automobile manufacturer isinterested in determining the proportion of new compact-car ownerswho would have purchased a side curtain air bag if it had beenavailable for an additional cost of $300. The manager believes fromprevious information that the population proportion is 0.30 (π).Suppose that a survey of 100 new compact-car owners is selected (n)and 45 indicate that they would have purchased the side curtain airbags. If you were to conduct a test to determine whether there isevidence that the proportion is different from 0.30, what will beyour test statistic(Zstat) value?

Answer: a. 3.27


If an economist wishes to determine whether there is evidencethat mean family income in a community is more than $50,000

Answer: d. a one-tail test should beutilized.

Researchers determined that 60 tissues is the mean number oftissues used during a cold(μ). Suppose a random sample of 64Kleenex users (n) yielded the following data on the number oftissues used during a cold: Sample Mean ( X bar) = 57.5, S= 4. Using the sample information provided, calculate the value ofthe t-test statistic.

Answer: d. t = -5


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