See information in Textbook fo

See information in Textbook for Exercise 9-63. I need to changeone number. Change the expected production number of direct laborhours to be 88,000 instead of the quantity given for that in theexercise


Palladium INC. produces a variety of household cleaningproducts. Palladium’s controller has developed standard costs forthe following four overhead items:

                                    Overhead Item                      total fixedmaterials                                variable rate per direct labor hour

                                    Maintenance                                   86,000                                                                 .20

                                     Power                                                                                                                           .45

                                   Indirectlabor                                       140,000                                                             2.10

                                    Rent                                                     35,000

Refer to the information for Palladium Inc. above.

1. Prepare an overhead budget for the expected level of directlabor hours for the coming year.

2. Prepare an overhead budget that reflects production that is15% higher than expected and for production that is 15% lower thanexpected.


1.) Direct Labor hours 88,000
Amount $
Maintenance       103,600 =86000+(88000*0.2)
Power           39,600 =88000*0.45
Indirect Labor       324,800 =140000+(88000*2.1)
Rent           35,000
OverheadBudget       503,000
2.) Direct Laborhours       101,200 =88000*115%
(15% higher thanexpected)
Amount $
Maintenance       106,240 =86000+(101200*0.2)
Power           45,540 =101200*0.45
Indirect Labor       352,520 =140000+(101200*2.1)
Rent           35,000
OverheadBudget       539,300
Direct Laborhours          74,800 =88000*85%
(15% lower thanexpected)
Amount $
Maintenance       100,960 =86000+(74800*0.2)
Power           33,660 =74800*0.45
Indirect Labor       297,080 =140000+(74800*2.1)
Rent           35,000
OverheadBudget       466,700

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