Spencer Company produced 200,0

Spencer Company produced 200,000 cases of sports drinks duringthe past calendar year. Each case of 1-liter bottles sells for $36.Spencer had 2,500 cases of sports drinks in finished goodsinventory at the beginning of the year. At the end of the year,there were 11,500 cases of sports drinks in finished goodsinventory. Spencer’s accounting records provide the followinginformation:

Purchases of direct materials $2,360,000
Direct materials inventory, January 1 290,000
Direct materials inventory, December 31 110,000
Direct labor 1,200,000
Indirect labor 334,000
Depreciation, factory building 525,000
Depreciation, factory equipment 416,000
Property taxes on factory 65,000
Utilities, factory 150,000
Insurance on factory 200,000
Salary, sales supervisor 85,000
Commissions, salespersons 214,000
Advertising 500,000
General administration 390,000
Work-in-process inventory, January 1 440,000
Work-in-process inventory, December 31 750,000
Finished goods inventory, January 1 107,500
Finished goods inventory, December 31 488,750


1. Prepare a cost of goods manufacturedstatement.

Spencer Company
Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured
For the Year Ended December 31
Direct materials:
$fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_2
fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_4
$fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_6
fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_8
$fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_10
fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_12
Manufacturing overhead:
$fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_14
fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_16
fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_18
fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_20
fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_22
fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_24 fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_25
Total manufacturing costs added $fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_26
fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_28
fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_30
Cost of goods manufactured $fill in the blank f721dbfc9025f8f_31

2. Compute the cost of producing one case ofsports drink last year. If required, round your answer to thenearest cent.

$fill in the blank 702586f0d076fe7_1 per case

3. Prepare an income statement on anabsorption-costing basis. Show the percentage of sales that eachline item represents. Round the percent to four decimal placesbefore converting to a percentage. For example, .88349 would berounded to .8835 and entered as 88.35.

Spencer Company
Income Statement: Absorption Costing
For the Year Ended December 31
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_2 fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_3%
Cost of goods sold:
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_5
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_7
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_9
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_11 fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_12 fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_13%
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_15 fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_16
Less: Operating expenses:
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_18
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_20
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_22 fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_23 fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_24%
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_26 fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_27%
fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_29 fill in the blank 78696700efdf03d_30%




Statement ofCost of Goods Manufactured

For the YearEnded December 31

Particulars $ $
Beginning Inventory 290,000
Add: Purchases 2,360,000
Materials available 2,650,000
Less: Ending Inventory 110,000
Direct Materials used in production 2,540,000
Direct Labor 1,200,000
Indirect Labor 334,000
Depreciation, factory Building 525,000
Depreciation, factory equipment 416,000
Property taxes on factory 65,000
Utilities, factory 150,000
Insurance on factory 200,000 1,690,000
Total Manufacturing cost added 5,430,000
Add: Beginning work in process 440,000
Less: Ending work in process 750,000
Cost of goodsmanufactured 5,120,000


Cost ofproducing one case

Cost of producing one case = $5,120,000 / 200,000 cases =$25.60 per case



IncomeStatement : Absorption costing

For the YearEnded December 31

Particulars $ $ Percent
Sales (191,000 cases * $36) 6,876,000 100.00%
Less: Cost ofgoods sold:
Beginning Finished goods (2,500 cases *$25.60) 64,000
Add: Cost of goods manufactured 5,120,000
Goods available for sale 5,184,000
Less: Ending Finished goods (11,500 cases* $25.60) 294,400 4,889,600 71.11%
Gross Profit 1,986,400 28.89%
Less:Operating expenses:
Salary, Sales supervisor 85,000
Commissions, Salesperson 214,000
Advertising 500,000
General Administration 390,000 1,189,000 17.29%
Operating Income 797,400 11.60%


1. UnitsSold

Particulars Units
Units Produced during the year 200,000
Add: Beginning Finished goodsinventory 2,500
Less: Ending Finished goods inventory 11,500
Units Sold during theyear 191,000

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