Stimulation (Please read the s
Stimulation(Please read the simulation before answering the questions . Pleasedo not scan your answer, type please)
Hey Ben. You’regetting an admission in the next 15 minutes coming from theoutpatient clinic.
BEN: Okay, what canyou tell me about this client? JAN: Well, Susan Choi is 33years old. (PATIENT)
She’s been followedfor depression over the past six months and is being admitted foracute mania.
She is onadministrative leave from her employment as a certified publicaccountant. She’s single and resides in her parents’ home. Herbehavior’s become very unpredictable. So her mother brought her
Into the clinic to seeDr. Price. BEN: Is she taking any medications?
JAN: She startedFluoxetine 20 milligrams a day, but her provider recently increasedthe dosage to 20
Milligrams twice aday. So her provider doubled the dose. She is being admitted forevaluation and Stabilization.
BEN: Okay I’ll makesure the room is ready.
JAN: Great, thanks,Ben.
Let’s go Ben, this isSusan, BEN: Okay, thanks, Andrew. ANDREW: You bet, BEN: Hi, Susan,And you are?
SUSAN: Just dandy!MRS. CHOL: Mrs. Choi, Susan’s mother. You can call me, Mrs.Choi.
BEN: Okay Susan, I’mgoing to spend some time getting to know you. Your date of birthis?
SUSAN: I’m 33 yearsold, born February 22nd. BEN: Okay, so before we go intothe conference room,
We are going to stopin the treatment room so I can get your vitals. I’ll show you toyour room later.
BEN: Your vital signslook fine, Susan From the information I have here, you have beentreated
For depression anddone well for quite some time, but now you are having problems withfocusing:
Such as eating,sleeping…. SUSAN I’m doing great! I couldn’t be better. I get allthe sleep I need.
Fluoxetine is amiracle drug. And you Ben are a miracle. I couldn’t be better. BEN;I see your provider
Is Dr. Price. SUSAN;Dr. Price is a jewel the price is right, and he is bright, he saysI’m alright.
He knows I’m themorning light. I don’t need to be here, you need to save the bedfor someone who is really sick and needier.
1. Reflect onethical dilemmas uncovered during scenario.
2. Discusscultural considerations.
3. Discusseducational needs of the client who has multiple diseaseprocesses.
4. Describe an“Aha” moment you experienced during the simulation. What are someof the aspects of the client’s care that you did not feel they wereprepared for?
- Her vital signs look fine.
- She have her confidence.
- She know very well what is hapening to her.
- She know about her medication and how it acts on her.
- An interesting aspect of society is its diversity in culturesand backgrounds that affect an individual’s mental health relatedexperiences. … For instance, culture affects the way in whichpeople describe their symptoms, such as whether they choose todescribe emotional or physical symptoms
- Culture can influence how people describe and feel about theirsymptoms. It can affect whether someone chooses to recognize andtalk about only physical symptoms, only emotional symptoms orboth.
Teaching patients is an important aspect of health care. Whetherteaching a new mom how to bathe a newborn baby or instructing anadult who is living with a chronic heart disease, a successfuloutcome depends on the quality of the nurse’s instruction andsupport. Consider these five strategies.
- Take advantage of technology. Technology hasmade patient education materials more accessible. Educationalresources can be customized and printed out for patients with thetouch of a button. Make sure the patient’s individualized needs areaddressed. Don’t simply hand the patient a stack of papers to read.Review them with patients to ensure they understand theinstructions. Answer questions that arise. Some resources areavailable in several languages.
- Determine the patient’s learning style.Similar information may be provided by a range of techniques. Infact, providing education using different modalities reinforcesteaching. Patients have different learning styles. Find out if yourpatient learns best by watching a DVD or by reading. A hands onapproach where the patient gets to perform a procedure with yourguidance is often the best method.
- Stimulate the patient’s interest. It’sessential that patients understand why this is important. Establishrapport, ask and answer questions, and consider specific patientconcerns. For example, some patients may want detailed informationabout every aspect of their health condition. Others may want justthe facts, and do better with a simple checklist.
- Consider the patient’s limitations andstrengths. Does the patient have physical, mental, oremotional impairments that impact the ability to learn? Forexample, they may need large print materials. If the patient ishearing impaired, use visual materials and hands on methods insteadof simply providing verbal instruction. Always have patientsexplain what you taught them. Often people will nod “yes” or saythat they comprehend what is taught even if they have not reallyheard or understood. Consider factors such as fatigue and the shockof learning a critical diagnosis when educating patients.
- Include family members. Involving familymembers in patient teaching improves the chances that yourinstructions will be followed. In many cases, you will be providingmost of the instruction to family members. Families play a criticalrole in health care management.
Teaching patients and their families can be one of the mostchallenging, yet also rewarding elements of providing health care.First-rate instruction improves patient outcomes dramatically.
- When Ben asked about her problems .. that time how she answerdis very impressive . Then how she explain about Dr. Price … thatrhyming’s also really nice.
- She have a problem like unpredictable behaviour so when wetalking about her problems we need to ask about one by one ..