Suppose the average time to co

Suppose the average time to complete a marathon is believed tobe 264 minutes. If a random sample of 67 marathon runners posted anaverage time of 248 minutes, with a standard deviation of 46.6minutes, is there evidence to support the claim that the averagetime is lower than originally thought? Perform a hypothesis testwith significance level 0.01.

A. State the null hypothesis in symbols and in a completesentence.

B. State the alternative hypothesis in symbols and in a completesentence.

C. Calculate the test statistic.

D. Calculate the p-value.

E. State your conclusion in context of the researchquestion.

F. If you changed the significance level to 0.05, would thatchange your conclusion? Explain!


We have given = 264 , x bar = 248, s = 46.6 , n = 67 and = 0.01

Claim : The average time is lower thanoriginally thought, that is   < 264

Here claim contains < sign hence it is our alternatehypothesis.

And null hypothesis is always of equality.


A. Null hypothesis : = 264

The average time to complete a marathon is believed to be 264minutes.

B. Alternate hypothesis : < 264

The average time to complete a marathon is lower than 264minutes.


F) if we change alpha to = 0.05

Decision rule:

if P value thenreject H0.

If P value > then fail toreject H0.

Here P value < hence we rejectH0.

Hence it would not change yourconclusion.

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