The 2014 balance sheet of Jord

The 2014 balance sheet of Jordan’s Golf Shop, Inc., showedlong-term debt of $5.8 million, and the 2015 balance sheet showedlong-term debt of $6.05 million. The 2015 income statement showedan interest expense of $195,000. The 2014 balance sheet showed$570,000 in the common stock account and $2.4 million in theadditional paid-in surplus account. The 2015 balance sheet showed$610,000 and $2.8 million in the same two accounts, respectively.The company paid out $565,000 in cash dividends during 2015.Suppose you also know that the firm’s net capital spending for 2015was $1,430,000, and that the firm reduced its net working capitalinvestment by $81,000.

What was the firm’s 2015operating cash flow, or OCF? (Do not round intermediatecalculations. Enter your answer in dollars, not millions ofdollars, e.g., 1,234,567.)
  Operating cashflow $   


Cash Flow to Creditors

Cash Flow to Creditors = InterestExpenses Paid – Net Increase in Long term debt

= Interest Expenses Paid – [Longterm debt at the end – Long term Debt at the Beginning]

= $195,000 – [$60,50,000 -$58,00,000]

= $195,000 – $50,000

= -$55,000

Cash Flow to Stockholders

Cash Flow to Stockholders = DividendPaid – Net New Equity

= Dividend Paid – [(Common stock atthe end + Additional paid-in surplus account at the end) – (Commonstock at the beginning + Additional paid-in surplus account at thebeginning)

= $565,000 – [($610,000 +$28,00,000) – ($570,000 + $24,00,000)]

= $565,000 – [$34,10,000 -$29,70,000]

= $565,000 – $440,000

= $125,000

Cash Flow from assets

Cash Flow from assets = Cash Flow toCreditors + Cash Flow to Stockholders

= -$55,000 + $125,000

= $70,000

Operating CashFlow  

Operating Cash Flow using the CashFlow from assets Equation

We know, Cash flow from assets =Operating Cash flows – Change in Net Working capital – Net CapitalSpending

$70,000 = Operating cash flow –(-$81,000) – $14,30,000

Operating cash flow = $70,000 -$81,000 + $14,30,000

Operating cash flow = $1,419,000

“Therefore, the firm’s 2015operating cash flow, or OCF would be -$1,419,000”

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