The Canmark Research Center Ai

The Canmark Research Center Airport Customer Satisfaction Surveyuses an online questionnaire to provide airlines and airports withcustomer satisfaction ratings for all aspects of the customers’flight experience. After completing a flight, customers receive anemail asking them to go to the website and rate a variety offactors, including the reservation process, the check-in process,luggage policy, cleanliness of gate area, service by flightattendants, food/beverage selection, on-time arrival, and so on. Afive-point scale, with Excellent (E), Very Good (V), Good (G), Fair(F), and Poor (P), is used to record the customer ratings for eachsurvey question. Assume that passengers on a Delta Airlines flightfrom Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, to Atlanta, Georgia, providedthe following ratings for the question, “Please rate the airlinebased on your overall experience with this flight.” The sampleratings are shown below.E E G V V E V V V EE G V E E V E E E VV V V F V E V E G EG E V E V E V V V VE E V V E P E V P V(a) Name the elements in this study

(b) Name the sample in this study

(c) Name the population of interest so that selection biasdoesn’t exist

(d) Name the variable in this study

(e) Based on the result, make an inference about “E”



Elements of the study are customers using commercial flights fortravelling


Passengers on a Delta Airlines flight from Myrtle Beach, SouthCarolina, to Atlanta, Georgia that provided the ratings for allaspects of the customers’ flight experience


Different airlines have different attributes, so, taking asample from one airlines and generalizing to all airlines canresult in selection bias.

Also, different airports have different attributes and hence,based on boarding and arriving airports, we can not generalize allthe airports.


All customers travelling from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, toAtlanta, Georgia on a Delta Airlines flight is the population ofinterest so that selection bias doesn’t exist.


Dependent variable is rating given on a five point scale(ordinal variable)


5 5 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 5
5 3 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4
4 4 4 2 4 5 4 5 3 5
3 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4
5 5 4 4 5 1 5 4 1 4

Sample size = 50

Total ratings = 208

Average rating = 4.16

Proportion of customers rating overall experience as Excellent =20/50

= 40% of the customers rate overall experience asExcellent.


Proportion of customers rating overall experience as Good orExcellent = 43/50

= 86% of the customers rate overall experience as Goodor Excellent.

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