The Cornerstone Corporation pr

The Cornerstone Corporation produces and sells a singleproduct. The following data refers to the year justcompleted:

List of Account Titles

Beginning inventory


Units produced


Units sold


Selling price per unit



Selling and administrative expenses:

Variable Cost per unit



Fixed Cost per year



Manufacturing costs:

Direct materials cost per unit



Direct labor cost per unit



Variable manufacturing overhead cost perunit



Fixed manufacturing overhead per year



a. If the managers use the variable costing approach toprepare an income statement, what is the dollar amount for thecontribution margin account that would be reported on this type ofincome statement? Show all detailed supportingcalculations that were used to determine the finalanswer.

b. If the managers use the absorption (traditionalfinancial) costing approach to prepare an income statement, what isthe dollar amount for the gross margin account that would bereported on this type of income statement? Showall detailed supporting calculations that were used to determinethe final answer.

c. Provide a concept definition for the termscontribution margin and gross margin, and then explain why managersmight prefer to use the contribution margin analysis approach toenable more effective decision making, rather than focusing on agross margin that is part of the absorption costingapproach.


a. Variable CostingApproach
Particulars Units Per unit Total
Sales (A) 7000 $47 $3,29,000
Variable Expenses (B)
Selling and Admin Expenses 7000 $4 $28,000
Manufacturing costs 7000 $21 $1,47,000
($10 + $6+ $5) $1,75,000
Contribution Margin C = (A-B) $1,54,000
Fixed Expenses (D )
Selling and Admin Expenses $58,000
Manufacturing costs $90,000
Net Operating Income (C-D) $6,000
b. Absorption Costing Approach
Particulars Units Per unit Total
Sales (A) 7000 $47 $3,29,000
Cost of Goods Sold (B)
Variable Manufacturing costs 7000 $21 $1,47,000
($10 + $6+ $5)
Fixed Manufacturing Overhead 7000 $10 $70,000
Gross Margin C = (A-B) $1,12,000
Selling and Admin Expenses (D)
Variable Cost 7000 $4 $28,000
Fixed Cost $58,000
Net Operating Income (C-D) $26,000


Gross profit margin measures the revenue that remains aftersubtracting costs directly associated with manufacturing. It doesnot take into consideration sales or administration expenses.

Contribution margin is a measure of the profitability of variousindividual products after subtracting variable costs from revenue.It does not take into consideration fixed costs.

The contribution margin is used to evaluate the profitability ofan item out of a product portfolio and thus leads to more accurateand effective decision making.

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