The data table is too large to

The data table is too large to be put in the question here iswhere I collected the data:

Visit the NASDAQ historical pricesweblink( First, setthe date range to be for

1.16.18- 2.15.19. [Do this by clicking on the blue dates after“Time Period”. Next, click the “Apply” button. Next, click the linkon the right side of the page that says “Download Data” to save thefile to your computer].

Normal distribution Average=1110.68525 Standard Deviation=65.5518337 Mode= 1095.06006

  1. If a person bought 1 share of Google stock within the lastyear, what is the probability that the stock on that day closedwithin $50 of the mean for that year? (between 50 below and 50above the mean)c) If a person bought 1 share of Google stock withinthe last year, what is the probability that the stock on that dayclosed at less than the mean for that year?If a person bought 1share of Google stock within the last year, what is the probabilitythat the stock on that day closed at more than $950?
  1. If a person bought 1 share of Google stock within the lastyear, what is the probability that the stock on that day closed atless than $800 per share. Would this be considered unusal?
  2. At what prices would Google have to close in order for it to beconsidered statistically unusual?
  3. What are Quartile 1, Quartile 2, and Quartile 3 in this dataset? Use Excel to find these values. This is the only question thatyou must answer without using anything about the normaldistribution.
  4. Is the normality assumption that was made at the beginningvalid? Why or why not?



Downloaded data for the time period range1.16.18- 2.15.19

using descriptive statistics in excel for the column close

Mean 1110.685251
StandardError 3.9601311
Median 1099.264954
Mode 1095.060059
StandardDeviation 65.5518337
SampleVariance 4297.042902
Kurtosis -0.744581395
Skewness 0.351349751
Range 292.109985
Minimum 976.219971
Maximum 1268.329956
Sum 304327.7587
Count 274


sample sd=65.5518337


If a person bought 1 share of Google stock within the last year,what is the probability that the stock on that day closed within$50 of the mean for that year? (between 50 below and 50 above themean






simply by entering the below one line of command in R studio weget the area between limits




If a person bought 1 share of Google stock within the last year,what is the probability that the stock on that day closed at morethan $950?




  1. If a person bought 1 share of Google stock within the lastyear, what is the probability that the stock on that day closed atless than $800 per share. Would this be considered unusal?





since probability less than 0.05

it is considered unusual.

What are Quartile 1, Quartile 2, and Quartile 3 in this dataset? Use Excel to find these values.


that is

Q1 1060.395
Q2 1099.265
Q3 1163.827
  1. Is the normality assumption that was made at the beginningvalid? Why or why not?

here sample szie=n=274

large sample


follows normal distribution according to central limittheorem

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