The estimates shown are for a

The estimates shown are for a bridge under consideration. Usethe B/C ration method at an interest rate of 6% per year todetermine which bridge, if either , should be built.
East Location West Location
Initial Cost, $ 11,000,000 27,000,000
Annual M&O, $/year 100,000 90,000
Benefits $/year 990,000 2,400,000
Disbenefits $/year 120,000 100,000
Life, years infinity infinity



Annual worth of net costs = 11,000,000(A/P, 6%, infility) +100,000

                                  = 11,000,000 * 0.06 + 100,000

                                = 660,000 + 100,000

                                  = 760,000

Annual worth of net benefits = 990,000 – 120,000 = 870,000

B/C ratio = Annual worth of net benefits / Annual worth of netcosts

             = 870,000 / 760,000

             = 1.14


Annual worth of net costs = 27,000,000(A/P, 6%, infility) +90,000

                                  = 27,000,000 * 0.06 + 90,000

                                = 1,620,000 + 90,000

                                  = 1,710,000

Annual worth of net benefits = 2,400,000 – 100,000 =2,300,000

B/C ratio = Annual worth of net benefits / Annual worth of netcosts

             = 2,300,000 / 1,710,000

             = 1.34

Since the B/C ratio of West Location is greater than EastLocation, therefore, West Location bridge should be built.

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