The following is true: A) NX =

  1. The following is true: A) NX = X +M     B) Y =SP     C) C + I = G +NX     D) GDP = Y
  2. The US will remain in recession until: A) spendingsubstantially increases B) savings substantiallyincreases  C) the stock market gains more than 10% invalue  D) we balance our budget deficit
  3. Expansionary Fiscal policy means: A) Increasing governmentspending and raising taxes     B) loweringtaxes and lowering governmentspending     C) lowering interestrates   D) none of the above are correct
  4. Keynes believed that: A) Wages could besticky    B) Economies gets stuck inundesirable equilibria     C) Governmentcan make up for a shortfall in consumer and investment spending D)All the above
  5. Investment spending depends mainly on: A) interest rates andreturn on invested funds B) Income andSavings     C) foreign exchange rates andtastes and preferences     D) imports andunemployment


Question 1

GDP is sum total of expenditure onfinal good and services within an economy during a year.

Y is sum total of factor incomegenerated in the economy during a year.

The sum total of expenditure onfinal goods and services with in an economy during a year is equalto sum total of factor income generated in the economy during ayear.



Hence, the correct answer isthe option (D).

Question 2

An economy generally goes intorecession due to lack of demand.

An increase in aggregate demand caneliminate the recession.

Increase in spending leads toincrease in aggregate demand and thereby can eliminate therecession.


The US will remain in recessionuntil spending substantially increases.

Hence, the correct answer isthe option (A).

Question 3

Fiscal policy is related to changein government spending and tax policy.

An increase in government spendingand a decrease in taxes is referred to as expansionary fiscalpolicy.

Hence, the correct answer isthe option (D).

Question 4

Keynes stated that, in theshort-run, price and wages are sticky.

In short-run, the equilibrium realGDP can be less than the potential real GDP.

In short-run, if equilibrium realGDP is less than the poptential real GDP then, in that case,government can intervene and can bring the economy to fullemployment by increasing its spending.

Hence, the correct answer isthe option (D).

Question 5

‘The two main factors that induceinvestment are as follows –

1. Interest rate or cost ofborrowing.

2. Returns to be earned on investedfuds or marginal efficiency capital.

Hence, the correct answer isthe option (A).

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