The management of Revco Produc

The management of Revco Products is exploring four differentinvestment opportunities. Information on the four projects understudy follows:

Project Number
1 2 3 4
Investment required $ (610,000) $ (560,000) $ (410,000 ) $ (320,000)
Present value of cash inflows at a 8% discount rate $ 647,538 $ 648,059 $ 471,500 $ 360,735
Net present value $ 37,538 $ 88,059 $ 61,500 $ 40,735
Life of the project 6 years 12 years 6 years 3 years
Internal rate of return 10 % 11 % 13 % 15 %

Because the company’s required rate of return is 8%, a 8%discount rate has been used in the present value computationsabove. Limited funds are available for investment, so the companycan’t accept all of the available projects.


1. Compute the project profitability index for each investmentproject.

2. Rank the four projects according to preference, in terms ofnet present value, project profitability index and internal rate ofreturn.



A) Project Profitability Index:

Profitability of Index = Net Present Value / InvestmentRequired

Calculation of ProfitabilityIndex
Particulars Project -1 Project -2 Project -3 Project -4
Investment Required (A)       6,10,000       5,60,000       4,10,000       3,20,000
Net Present Value (B)          37,538          88,059          61,500          40,735
Profitability Index(B/A)     0.061538     0.157248     0.150000     0.127297
Investment Proposal Project Profitability Index
Project – 1 0.06154
Project – 2 0.15725
Project – 3 0.15000
Project – 4 0.12730

B. Project Preference Ranks:

Particulars Net PresentValue ProfitabilityIndex Internal Rate ofReturn
First Preference 2 2 4
Second Preference 3 3 3
Third Preference 4 4 2
Fourth Preference 1 1 1

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