The number of new cases of a d

The number of new cases of a disease in a given populationduring a given period of time is called __________.

A) Virulence B) Morbidity C) Prevalence D) Incidence

____5. Epidemiologists are interested in learning about____________________ .

A) The causes of diseases and how to cure or control them

B) The frequency and geographic distribution of diseases

C) The causal relationships between diseases

D) How microbes move in the environment._____6. An epidemic will die out when the basic reproduction number(R0) is:

A)1 B) >1 C) >2 D) < 1 E) <2   


1.A number of new cases of a disease in a given populaton duringa given period of time is called Incidence. optionD

  • prevalance is the actul no of alive species withdisease in a perticular time.
  • morbidity is used to describe how often is caused in aperticular area .the term is used to focus on death.
  • virulence is nothing but the severity of infectiondescribed by incidence of disease and death rate of infection.

2. Epdiomiologist are intrested in learning about thecause of disease and how to cure or control them. optionA


Epidiomiologist are the public health professionals whoinvestigate pattern cause of disease and injury in human.they arethe trained porfessionals in the field of epidemiology.

3. An epidemic will die out when the besic reproduction no (R0)is R0<1.The R0 is less than 1 the infectionwill spread slowly and it will eventially dieout.option D.


The higher the value of R0 the faster the epidemisc willprogress..

when R0 > 1 Th einfection willl spreadexponentially.

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