The one-sample t statistic for

The one-sample t statistic for testing

H0: μ = 10

Ha: μ > 10

from a sample of n = 22 observations has the valuet = 1.83.

What are the degrees of freedom for this statistic?    Answer: ________

Give the two critical values t* from the tdistribution critical values table that bracket t.Answer: ______< t < ______

         (C) Is the valuet = 1.83 significant at the 5% level?



         Is itsignificant at the 1% level?



         (D) If you havesoftware available, find the exact P-value. (Round youranswer to four decimal places.)

   Answer: ________


The one-sample t statistic for testing

H0: μ = 10

Ha: μ > 10

from a sample of n = 22 observations has the value t = 1.83.

What are the degrees of freedom for this statistic?    Answer: __n-1=22-1=21______

Give the two critical values t* from the t distribution criticalvalues table that bracket t.Answer: ____-1.721.__< t < ___1.721.___

these critical values are at 5% level ofsignificannce.

Give the two critical values t* from the t distribution criticalvalues table that bracket t.Answer: __-2.518__< t < _2.518_

these critical values are at 1% level ofsignificannce.

         (C) Is the value t= 1.83 significant at the 5% level?

             Yes ast=1.83>1.721


         Is itsignificant at the 1% level?


             No ast=1.83<2.518

         (D) If you havesoftware available, find the exact P-value. (Round your answer tofour decimal places.)

   Answer: _____The P-Value is .040741.



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