The table below gives the comp

The table below gives the completion percentage and interceptionpercentage for five randomly selected NFL quarterbacks. Based onthis data, consider the equation of the regression line, yˆ=b0+b1xy ^ = b 0 + b 1 x , for using the completion percentage to predictthe interception percentage for an NFL quarterback. Keep in mind,the correlation coefficient may or may not be statisticallysignificant for the data given. Remember, in practice, it would notbe appropriate to use the regression line to make a prediction ifthe correlation coefficient is not statistically significant.Completion Percentage 56.9 56.9 57 57 59 59 60.9 60.9 63.2 63.2Interception Percentage 4.9 4.9 3.8 3.8 3 3 2 2 1.4 1.4



use lm function in R software to fit a regression equation.



use coeffcient to get the coeffcients

Regresion eq is


Y intercept=32.349522




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