their eyes were watching god chapter 13 summary

What is the tone of Chapter 13 of Their Eyes Were Watching God? – Chapter 13 is marked by Tea Cake’s cruel absences from Janie. Although Janie accepts his explanations, it is hard to believe that someone as intelligent as Tea Cake could be so careless only a week after his wedding. His departure to go gambling seems likewise strange and needlessly risky.

What kind of injury does Tea Cake suffer towards the end of Chapter 13? – Tea Cake got into a fight with another gambler named Double-Ugly who had lost all his money and accused Tea Cake of cheating. Tea Cake got away with his winnings and two wounds from Double-Ugly’s razor. Janie cries as she cleans her husband’s wounds and listens to his story. He’s won back more than just the $200.

Why did Tea Cake take the money? – She worries all night long because Tea Cake still hasn’t come home. In the morning, he comes home with a guitar. Tea Cake says he took the money because he wanted to know what it felt like to be a millionaire. He throws a free feast with dancing and singing for the people where he used to work.

What did Tea Cake do in Chapter 13? – Tea Cake describes the party, making Janie laugh when he tells her about the two dollar admission he charged ugly women. Janie would have gone to the party, she says, if he had come back for her; he didn’t do that, he says, because he thought that she wouldn’t like the people.

What illness does Tea Cake contract? – During a hurricane, Tea Cake is bitten by a rabid dog while attempting to rescue Janie from drowning, and he himself contracts rabies. As his illness progresses, he becomes increasingly paranoid and begins to distrust Janie’s faithfulness.

What secret does Tea Cake reveal about himself? – He is a dice gambler. He is going to the railroad to gamble. He got cut twice in the back, but won money. Because he is being honest, so she is being honest, so he doesn’t have to risk it all for money.

What is the purpose of the alligator image? – Zora Neale Hurston uses the alligator to bring about the sense of fear and unsureness.

What does Tea Cake do with janies $200? – How did Tea Cake spend Janie’s money? He used it to buy Janie a new dress.

What is Tea Cake’s real name? – Quick Reference. Vergible Woods, known as Tea Cake, is the third husband of Janie Crawford, the protagonist of Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937).

Who is Nunkie? – Nunkie. A girl in the Everglades who flirts relentlessly with Tea Cake. Janie grows extremely jealous of Nunkie, but after Tea Cake reassures her that Nunkie means nothing to him, Nunkie disappears from the novel.

What secret does Janie keep from Tea Cake? – What secret does Janie keep from Tea Cake? Why does she keep this secret? Janies $200 is missing, she fears Tea Cake took the money and left much like what happened with Annie Tyler. Who Flung played Annie Tyler and took all her money.

Why is Janie angry at Tea Cake? – Pheoby tells Janie that Tea Cake is too low for her, but Janie replies that while Jody wanted her to act pretentious and high-class, Tea Cake treats her as she wants to be treated. Pheoby warns that Tea Cake may be using her for her money and tells Janie that she has stopped mourning for Jody too soon.

Did Janie and Tea Cake get married? – Eventually, Janie sells the store and leaves for Jacksonville to marry Tea Cake. Tea Cake and Janie get married. In Jacksonville, Janie has her first scare.

What is Tea Cake’s real name? – Quick Reference. Vergible Woods, known as Tea Cake, is the third husband of Janie Crawford, the protagonist of Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937).

Is Tea Cake a good man? – Hurston depicts Tea Cake as not simply a good or bad person, but instead as a real person who is complicated and not easily understood. At times, Tea Cake is motivated by pride, as when he refuses to leave the Everglades at first sign of the impending hurricane, prioritizing money over safety for Janie.

Why are they on the move again at the end of the chapter and how does Janie feel about that why don’t they stay put? – I think they were on the move at the end of the chapter, because Tea Cake wanted to take Janie somewhere he thinks will be good for him to make money while they have fun, “folks don’t do nothin down dere but make money and fun and foolishness.” (Hurston 128).

Did Janie and Tea Cake get married? – Eventually, Janie sells the store and leaves for Jacksonville to marry Tea Cake. Tea Cake and Janie get married. In Jacksonville, Janie has her first scare.

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