There Are some politicians who

There Are some politicians who have called for the US to have a VATlike most of europe does. what is a VAT, how does it work, shouldthe US implement one? why would a politician like a VAT


A Value Added Tax(VAT) is a type of tax thatconsumers have to pay on a product at any stage of production ordistribution in the supply chain.

As the name suggests, a VAT is pre decided as a percentage ofthe marked price of the product, that a consumer has to pay. It isthe extra value that a business adds to the good or services thatis charged on each stage of production in a supply chain.

Enforcing a tax on the outset might seem like a good idea forthe United States to increase government revenue, but there aresome major disadvantages :

  • Costs incurred by businesses to collect , maintain and send taxproceeds to the government
  • Political negotiations between federal government andstates
  • VAT is regressive in nature

Politicians who are interested in helping the government reducebudget deficits through extra revenues , are the ones who wouldgenerally prefer the introduction of a VAT, as it does act as agood source of revenue for the government.

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