Imagine that I was interested in the effect of benevolentintentions on pleasure. Participants received one of two types ofgoodies: a tootsie roll with a note that read, “I picked thisgoodie just for you. I hope you like it!” or a note that read, “Iwas told to pick this goodie. So, whatever.” After the participantscompleted a puzzle and ate the candy they were asked how deliciousthey thought the good was on a scale that ranged from 1 (not atall delicious) to 6 (extremely delicious). The dataare below.

Benevolent condition, M = 4.55, SD =2.10         Apathetic condition, M = 2. 30 SD = 1.25

Describe the mean differences in plain language.

Describe the variability in both conditions.

Decide which statistical test you should use.

Imagine the following data: t(38) = 6.38, p< .001. What would you conclude about the effect of benevolentintention on pleasure?

Which of the above is an inferential statistic?

Write an APA style sentence describing the descriptive andinferential statistics.


Describe the mean differences in plain language.

The average delicious scale of goodies for a benevolentcondition is more than the average delicious scale of goodies foran apathetic condition. Peoples are more likely to rate more scalefor the deliciousness of goodies when they receive benevolentcondition in either way.

Describe the variability in both conditions.

The standard deviation for the delicious scale in benevolentcondition is more than the standard deviation for the deliciousscale in apathetic condition.

Coefficients of variation (CV) for benevolent condition andApathetic condition are given as below:

CV for benevolent condition = SD/M = 2.10/4.55 = 0.461538 or46%

CV for apathetic condition = SD/M = 1.25 / 2.30 = 0.543478 or54%

CV for benevolent condition is less than CV for apatheticcondition. This means, there is more variation in the apatheticcondition as compared to benevolent condition.

Decide which statistical test you should use.

We will use the two sample t-test or independent samples t-testfor the population means. Here, we have to compare the two averagescales and we want to check whether there is a significant effectof the benevolent intention on pleasure or not.

H0: µ1 = µ2 versusHa: µ1 > µ2

(One-tailed test/Upper tailed/Right tailed test)


µ1 = average delicious scale for benevolent conditionand

µ2 = average delicious scale for an apatheticcondition.

Imagine the following data: t(38) = 6.38, p < .001. Whatwould you conclude about the effect of benevolent intention onpleasure?

For this test, we get test statistic t = 6.38 and p-value <0.001, so we reject the null hypothesis that average deliciousscale for benevolent and apathetic conditions are same.

There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the averagedelicious scale for a benevolent condition is more than the averagedelicious scale for the apathetic condition.

Which of the above is an inferential statistic?

The test statistic value and p-value given above are theinferential statistic used for this scenario.

Write an APA style sentence describing the descriptive andinferential statistics.

Descriptive statistics provides us only the informationregarding the data or different measures of data. These are nothingbut the data characteristics. But in inferential statistics, we aredealing with the inference about the population parameters. Wecheck different claims or research hypotheses by using inferentialstatistics. Inferential statistics plays an important role in theprediction of different variables.

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