This is hard!!! Thanks!! A xra

This is hard!!! Thanks!!

A xray photon undergoes Compton scattering from an electroninitially at rest. The photon is incident from the left (-x) and isscattered backwards. a.) draw and label a sketch illustrating thiscollision. The initial photon energy is = 4keV. Assume that theelectron energy after the collision Ee is small. b.) What is theinitial photon momentum px,i in the x-direction? c.) What is thefinal photon momentum in the x-direction px,f after the collision?d.) Find the kinetic energy of the electrion after thecollision???


As, Energy, E = P2/(2m)

Also, lambda = h/mv

where, lambda = (6.63 * 10-34 * 3 *108)/(4000 * 1.6 * 10-19)

                       = 3.1078 * 10-10 m

Thus,   the initial photon momentum =  (6.63 * 10-34)/(3.1078 * 10-10)

                                                          = 2.133 * 10-24 kg.m/s

final photon momentum in the x-direction =   (6.63 *10-34)/(6.2156 * 10-10)

                                                             =   1.066 * 10-24 kg.m/s

the kinetic energy of the electrion = (1.066 *10-24)2/(2 * 9.11 * 10-31)

                                                    = 6.237 * 10-19 J

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