Throughout the semester your i

Throughout the semester your instructor has paced back and forthin front of the projection screen, introducing distortions in yourperceived image of the screen due to his overwhelming gravitationalfield. How much is light bent by his head as it grazes his ear?(Assume the instructor’s head does not contain a black hole.)


From Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, the deflectionangle can be approximately calculated by the relation,

where m = mass of the object which is deforming the trajectoryof light, d is the distance from the observer to the mass m.

Here, m = mass of the instructor’s head can be approximated tobe about 5kg.

d = distance from the instructor to you which can beapproximated to be around 10 m

This gives the deflection angle to be approximately,

To give you an estimate of how small this angle is, considerRayleigh’s criteria for resolution.

where d = diameter of the aperture or lens required to resolvethe angle. Taking the wavelength to be approximately 550 nm and theangle to be the deflection angle above, this gives,

this is how large your lens should be to resolve this deflectionangle!

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