Two lab groups dissolved 6g of

Two lab groups dissolved 6g of cupric sulfate pentahydrate inapproximately 50 mL of warm water. After it dissolved, they added1.12g of iron fillings. Student A predicted the reaction wouldproduce 1.28g of copper, while student B predicted there would be1.54g of copper. Which student, A or B, do you agree with? Explainyour reasoning with a short essay.


Ans. Moles of CuSO4.5H2O taken = Mass /Molar mass

                                               = 6.0 g / (249.686 g/ mol)

                                               = 0.02403 mol

Since 1 mol CuSO4.5H2O contains 1 molCu-atom-

The moles of Cu-atom in 6.0 g sample = 0.02403mol

# Moles of Fe taken = 1.12 g / (55.847 g) = 0.02005mol

# Balanced reaction: 3 CuSO4(aq) + 2Fe(s) ——> Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 3Cu(s)

Theoretical molar ration of reactants = CuSO4 : Fe =3 : 2

Experimental molar ratio of reactants = CuSO4 :Fe

= 0.02403 mol : 0.02005 mol =2.4 : 2

Comparing the theoretical and experimental molar ratios, themoles of CuSO4 (= moles ofCuSO4.5H2O) is lss than theoretical moles of3 whereas that of Fe is kept constant at 2.0 moles.

Hence, CuSO4 is the limitingreactant.

# The formation of product follows the stoichiometry of limitingreactant.

According to the stoichiometry of balanced reaction, 3 molCuSO4 produces 3 mol Cu.


           Moles of Cu produced = 0.02403mol = moles of CuSO4.5H2O =


           Mass of Cu produced = 0.02403 mol x (63.546 g/mol)

                                               = 1.53 g

# Conclusion: The result of student Bis in agreement with experimental calculated values.

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