Week 3 Qualitative Research St

Week 3 Qualitative Research Study Analysis Worksheet Articlesexual and reproductive health beliefs and practices

Article: Ashaba, S., Kaida, A., Burns, B. F., O’Neil, K.,Dunkley, E., Psaros, C., … Matthews, L. T. (2017). Understandingcoping strategies during pregnancy and the postpartum period: aqualitative study of women living with HIV in rural Uganda. BMCPregnancy and Childbirth, 17, 138.http://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-017-1321-9

Using the article or study provided, answer the followingquestions regarding a public health research study:

What problem or thesis statement did the authors identify? Is itclearly stated? Provide a rationale for your answer. ____ / 3points Answer:

What is the primary research question? Is it clearly stated?Provide a rationale for your answer. ____ / 3 points Answer:

Is the approach appropriate given the research questions? Why orwhy not? ____ / 3 points Answer:

Are the literature review and sources provided comprehensive andcurrent? Provide a rationale for your answer. ____ / 2 pointsAnswer:

What are the study population and the sample population? Arethey clearly identified and defined? Provide a rationale for youranswer. ____ / 3 points Answer:

How was the sample population selected? ____ / 3 pointsAnswer:

Did the researchers identify a theoretical model or conceptualframework to help them understand and interpret their findings?____ / 3 points Answer:

How were the data collected? ____ / 4 points Answer:

How were the data analyzed? ____ / 4 points Answer:

What were the major findings? ____ / 3 points Answer:

How were the findings interpreted by the researchers? ____ / 3points Answer:

Did the researchers identify any limitations of the study? Ifthey did, what were these limitations? If they did not, did youidentify any limitations? ____ / 3 points Answer:

What recommendations or suggestions for next steps did theresearchers make? ____ / 3 points Answer:

Part II (20 points) A. Provide a brief (200 words) criticalreview of the article or study based on your responses to thepreceding questions. (10 points) Answer: B.

In your opinion, what are the strengths and limitations of thisstudy? Does this study make a significant contribution to theliterature and advance the knowledge base? Why or why not? (10points) Answer:


Q What problem or thesis statement did the authorsidentify? Is it clearly stated?

A: 1.Preganancy women affected with HIV

2.mother to child transmission of HIV

3.postpartum period as HIV-infected women.

its stated partially regarding HIV with pregenacey womenrisk factors and prevtion methods

Q.What is the primary research question? Is it clearlystated? Provide a rationale for your answer

A: the primary reaserach question is qualitative study ofpregenancy moth women living with HIV in rural Uganda.

Q Is the approach appropriate given the researchquestions?

1.they have not mentioned what are the challnges are facing apregancy women with preganancy. with culutral activities

Q. Are the literature review and sourcesprovided comprehensive and current?

1.ts provided comrehensive resources regarding populationaffected in woman in pregancy

2.Comprehensvie Education counsling on ART therapy

3.numeric anyalsis on laborotory numerics

What are the study population and the samplepopulation:

yes its same population in 2017 demographics

How was the sample population selected?


By uganda state Ministry

Twenty women were interviewed with median age 33 (IQR: 28-35)years, CD4 cell count 677 cells/mm3 (IQR: 440-767), number of livebirths 4 (IQR: 2-6), and number of living children 3 (IQR: 2-4.3).We summarize five identified coping strategies within asocio-ecological framework according to Bronfenbrenner’s EcologicalModel.

Did the researchers identify a theoretical model orconceptual framework to help them understand and interpret theirfindings

there is no frame work hence there is no reference evidancebased report

4 points Answer:In sub-Saharan Africa, 58% of adults living withHIV are women. In Uganda, HIV prevalence is 8.3% for women comparedto 6.1% for men.

How were the data analyzed:

conducted semi-structured interviews with postpartum WLWHaccessing ART who had a pregnancy within 2 years prior torecruitment between February-August, 2014

Did the researchers identify any limitations of thestudy?

Limited study on how many cases ratio of mother to child transmission (PMTCT)

the number of cases areexposedto HIV infection and routeof transmission

What were the major findings:

  • the myriad challenges faced during pregnancy and the postpartumperiod
  • We summarize five identified coping strategies within asocio-ecological framework according to Bronfenbrenner’s EcologicalModel.

What were the major findings:

  • the myriad challenges faced during pregnancy and the postpartumperiod
  • We summarize five identified coping strategies within asocio-ecological framework according to Bronfenbrenner’s EcologicalModel.

Critical Points on artical:

Backgound verification is limited its not extented but stillrealibale based on data

Methods are sequnced analysis of interviews ways of intellucastudy of the report

Results are based on age summarized well based supportingdocument

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