What are ODL and OQL? Provide

  1. What are ODL and OQL? Provide a comprehensive example foreach.
  1. Perform some research on the Internet on OODBMS products.Compare various OODBMSs currently on the market in terms offeatures, capacity, and scalability. How do they compare with RDBMSproducts?



ODL : (Object Description Language) It has arelational design. They are basicallydescription commands like CREATEin an SQL table. It is a language that is used to definethe object i.e their characteristics, properties andfunctions.

Example : it includes class , elementsand methods declaration. Let’s take an example of aschool.

interface name {

attribute integer classid;

attribute Struct student::Addr location;

relationships Set<Section> section- granted;

relationship Set <student> patrons inverse student:: hasaccount-at;



OQL : (Object Query Language) It is a standardfor query languages for an object oriented modelin SQL. It is very complex andtherefore is not usually completely implemented.It is a basis for many new query languages thatare present.

Example : There are different example fordifferent functions to perform –

* To select string of 50 ormore length

select a from java.lang.String a where a.value.length>=50

* Use of FROM clause :

SELECT p.age FROM t1 WHERE p.age>20;

* Use of GROUP BY :

SELECT name, class FROM tb1 WHERE class>10 GROUP BY namedesc;

* To get integers of length 15 or more

select b from[P b where b.length >=15

* To find maximum marks

select name, age, marks FROM t WHERE t.marks =max

OODBMS currently available in market :

1. ZODB : ( Zope Object Database) It is adatabase that is used to store python objects .Ithas a single dictionary or object.Features : it provides high transparency.Capacity: It has a capacity to store high data inpython that is very reliable.

2. Object Store : It is a type of NoSQLdatabase which handles data that is created byapplications that uses OOP technology. It is usedby C++ language. Features : provide hightransparency. Capacity : capable of storing C++objects .

3. Versant : In this the data is storedtransactionally. It stores C++, Java and .NET objects andalso performs multithreading. Features : providestransparent data. Capacity : capable of storingC++, java and . Net object.

4. Object DB : It helps in directstoring of graphs of the objects. It reduces the time andthus improves the productivity. It is the mostreliable software for Java database. Features: Improves productivity and also provides transparency.Capacity : high reliability for Java database.

Comparison with RDBMS products :

1. In RDBMS products the data is storedin the form of entities in a table form wherease inOODBMS products the data is stored in the form ofobjects.

2. RDBMS products handles the simpledata whereas the OODBMS handle complexdata.

3. RDBMS products have a primarykey that is unique whereas in OODBMS has ObjectId.

4. RDBMS products have data independencewhereas in OODBMS products have dataencapsulation.

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