What are the chemical differen
What are the chemical differences andsimilarities between amylose and cellulose, and cellulose andglycogen. What is a glycosidic bond and how does it differ in thesemolecules? Why can we process certain carbohydrates and not others?Why can cows extract sugars from cellulose?
Answer all questions thoroughly please.
Chemical differences between amylose and cellulose-
- The main difference is the glycosidic linkage. In amylose, theamylose’s glucose units are linked with alpha(1—->4)glycosidic linkage. However, in cellulose, the units are linkedwith beta (1—->4) glycosidic links.
- Amylose forms helical structures. whereas cellulose formstraight polymer chains.
The similarity between amylose and cellulose isthat the units are linked with 1—> 4 linkages and the monomersare glucose units
Chemical differences between cellulose and glycogen –
- Glycogen is made of alpha glucose units while cellulose is madeof beta glucose units.
- cellulose is made with beta glucose units linked with beta(1—->4) glycosidic links. whereas glycogen has a branchedstructure with both alpha (1—–>4) units and alpha(1—->6) linkages.
The chemical similarity between cellulose and glycogen-
Cellulose and glycogen has same monomer called glucose
We cannot process some carbohydrates example fibers likecellulose, lectin because the body digestive system lacks theenzymes needed for the digestion of these sugars.
Cows have the enzymes cellulase which can cleave cellulose hencecows extract sugars from cellulose.
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