What Happens to the bottom and

What Happens to the bottom and top products if the feed point toa distillation column is switched from the designed optimum to

1. A tray closer to the reboiler?

2. A tray closer to the condenser?


Location of feed plate is calculated by theoretical methods forthe required output. If the feed point is shifted then thecompostion or rather the quality of products at Top and Bottomchanges.

1) When Tray is closer to reboiler, the product at Top that isthe distillate will constitute more lighter components than beforeor we can say lighter compinents at top will more quality. But atthe same time reboiler duty increases.

2) When Tray is closer to Condensor, the bottom product will bemore ‘pure’ in terms of heavy component. and Condensor dutyincreases.

If feed location is changed, then the overall performance ofthat column is affected because the column was designed to operateat the initial feed location. For example, partial reboiler andpartial condensor are considered as stages and it will not functionlike for what it was designed for. Reflux ratio is changed andliquid level of each tray is affected.

Hope this helps;)

Have a nice day!

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