what is a complex regional syn

what is a complex regional syndrome the subject is in nursing. Amale patient 46yaer old had a love life had a degenerative jointfrom 1200 location to 3000 cartilage loss


Complex regional syndrome is a chronic pain syndromewhich is due to injury, stroke , surgery or even after heartattack. This condition usually affects extremities and is rare. Theintensity of pain is severe than injury itself.

The cause is idiopathic. There isn’t a complete cure forthis condition but early identification and treatment is found tobe effective in treating symptom of pain.  

Symptoms :

  • Continuous pain along with swelling in the affectedarea.
  • Burning sensation in the affected part.
  • Skin feels cold sometimes and sweaty alternatively.
  • Colour of the skin keeps changing between white , red or bluepatches.
  • Limited movement of the affected part.
  • Occasionally, it may even spread to the other extremity.

Diagnosis :

  • History and physical examination.
  • X ray
  • Bone scan.

Medications :

  • Pain killers like NSAIDS.
  • If it doesn’t work, stronger analgesics like opioid drugs aregiven.
  • Corticosteroids.
  • IV ketamine.
  • Heat therapy.
  • Topical analgesics.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Antidepressants and anticonvulsants.

This was all about complex regional syndrome.

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