when will gen 003 be on the market

When will there be a cure for HSV-2? – “Sometime in the summer of 2022 is our target.” This vaccine is good news for everyone at risk of STIs. More than one out of 10 Americans, age 49 years and younger, are infected with genital herpes, says Sita Awasthi, PhD, associate research professor in the infectious disease division at Perelman School of Medicine.

When will RVx201 be available? – RVx201 Herpes Vaccine Description 2022 Produced by Rational Vaccines, Inc., the technology is based on the pioneering research of the late Dr. William Halford, who dedicated over 25 years to studying herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2).

What is gen003? – GEN-003, a vaccine comprised of a transmembrane deletion mutant of glycoprotein D and a saponin-derived adjuvant, is clinically effective at doses of 60 µg/50 µg and 60 µg /75 µg for reducing viral shedding at up to 1 year in adults with symptomatic genital herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) infection, according to a study …

Is there any vaccine for HSV? – Currently, there are no vaccines approved for prevention of HSV infection after years of development and innovation.

Does acyclovir decrease shedding? – Treatment with valacyclovir or acyclovir is effective in reducing subclinical and total HSV shedding. The frequency of both total and subclinical shedding decreased with antiviral therapy by 91%–97% when measured by culture and by 76%–82% when measured by PCR.

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