which input value produces the same output value for the two functions on the graph?

What function that has the same output value? – › U17_L1_T1_text_final

What do you call a relation where every input gives one and only one output? – A function is a relation between sets where for each input, there is exactly one output.

Which input value produces the same output value for two functions on the graph Edgenuity? – Solution: INPUT: Called the domain of the function, is the set of all x-values for which the function is defined. OUTPUT: Called the range of the function, is the set of all y-values for which the function is defined. Therefore, the input value which produces the same output value is x = -2.

What is the input and output of a function? – A function shows how two things are related. In each function, there are inputs and outputs. In simple terms, the input is what goes into the function and the output is what comes out of the function. The input variable and output variable are also called the domain and the range.

How do you find the input and output of a graph?

Which type of relation that has one input but there are many possible output? – Functions are relations with one output for any unique input. Relations that pass the vertical line test have one output for each input.

What is the input of a function called? – * The input to a function is often called its ‘argument’, or ‘parameter’.

What is type of function that has the same output value no matter? – Mathematically speaking, a constant function is a function that has the same output value no matter what your input value is. Because of this, a constant function has the form y = b, where b is a constant (a single value that does not change). For example, y = 7 or y = 1,094 are constant functions.

What function has the same output value no matter what input value is? – In mathematics, a constant function is a function whose (output) value is the same for every input value. For example, the function y(x) = 4 is a constant function because the value of y(x) is 4 regardless of the input value x (see image).

What type of function produces the same output value every time it is called using the same parameters? – A pure function is a function which: Given the same input, always returns the same output. Produces no side effects.

How do you find the output of a function?

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