Which of the following clients

Which of the following clients are more than likely experiencingimpairment of the Mucociliary blank with cilia dysfunction? Selectall that apply.

a. A smoker who smokes 2 packs of cigarettes/day and currentlyhospitalized with pneumonia

b. A middle-aged diabetic client with bilateral neuropathy

c. military guard person stationed in Germany

d. A mountain skier who spends all day outside teaching skilessons

e. A nursing home client diagnosed with H1N1 influenza withfever of 102°F


The answer is a, b& e

The answer is a because

Cilia is lining in the upper respiratory tract the main functionis to sweep out mucous and dirt so that particles will not enterthe lungs and keep our lungs clear.Due to smoking the cilia getsparalyzed and gets killed due to which the dirt particles enter thelungs and causes infection, smokers get more cold and respiratoryinfections.Respiratory infections like pneumonia their will beinfection of Parenchyma of lung.

The answer is b also because

Aging ,daibetes patient with bilateral neuropathy are associatedwith decresed nasocillary Clearance due to cilary dysfunction andthe client is more like to cause infections.

The answer is also e because

In the early stages of influenza infection respiratory cells aremodified ciliary function decreases, viral neuraminidase isexpressed at the surface of the epithelial cells and theneuraminidase lowers the adhesion of mucous, leaving the cellsunprotected allowing the bacteria to develop at their surface.

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