which of the following statements about wiglaf is true?

Who is wiglaf in Beowulf quizlet? – Wiglaf is a young Geatish warrior in Beowulf’s retinue who follows him to the barrow where the dragon is lurking. When all of Beowulf’s other thanes, or lords, abandon him, Wiglaf remains loyally with his king, encouraging and supporting him.

What decision does wiglaf make? – Wiglaf is the only one willing to risk his life to help his ruler. He declares that he would rather be burned to death than to abandon his king, and he rushes to Beowulf’s defense.

What does wiglaf do at the end of the passage? – So Wiglaf darted down the dark passage into the heart of the barrow and brought out dishes and helmets and other treasure, as much as he could carry, to show his lord. Beowulf spoke. The old man was full of pain: ‘I thank God that I can give my people these gifts of gold.

What is wiglaf trying to do? – Wiglaf, one of Beowulf’s kinsmen and thanes, is the only warrior brave enough to help the hero in his fight against the dragon. Wiglaf conforms perfectly to the heroic code in that he is willing to die attempting to defeat the opponent and, more importantly, to save his lord.

Why did Wiglaf help Beowulf? – Even though loyalty is such an important part of the heroic culture at the time, most of Beowulf’s chosen soldiers run away in fear. Wiglaf is the one who is strong and brave enough to fight for his king, and he gives a speech to the men, encouraging them to fight.

What request does Beowulf make of Wiglaf? – Beowulf orders Wiglaf to go into the barrow, look at the treasure, and bring back some of it for him to see before he dies. Wiglaf obeys Beowulf’s dying wish and goes down into the barrow, where he finds amazing piles of treasure, all of it rusting and decaying.

What does Wiglaf represent in Beowulf? – Wiglaf represents courage and loyalty in the face of unbelievable odds. In fact, he’s a sort of a reverse-Judas figure. Whereas Judas is the only one of the twelve apostles who betrays Jesus, Wiglaf is the only one of eleven thanes who remains loyal to Beowulf.

How is Wiglaf loyal? – Wiglaf acts because he follows the warrior code of loyalty to his lord. As was the custom, the introduction begins with the young warrior’s kinship ties, which prove Wiglaf’s noble lineage. They had felled their foe, bravely taking its life, and the two had together brought down the dragon, as noble kinsmen.

How does Wiglaf prove that he is honest and loyal? – Many years later, Wiglaf shows his loyalty and devotion to his king Beowulf by following him into the fray when no one else did, promising, “I shall stand by you” (2668). In the end, this loyalty reveals Wiglaf’s valor, proving him to be just as heroic a character as Beowulf.

How does Wiglaf punish the deserting soldiers? – Soldiers who ran away from the dragon return, and Wiglaf scolds them for their cowardice. He says they have failed to earn the trust Beowulf placed in them and that he will exile them as punishment. A messenger is sent out to tell all the land of the death of their king.

What does Wiglaf really mean in his speech? – Wiglaf’s speech is an attempt to remind the other ten retainers of the honor code of comitatus and to shame them into action. In this system, a lord or king offers protection to his retainers (or thanes) and supports them with a share of booty, gifts, and even land.

What does Beowulf give Wiglaf before he dies? – He gives Wiglaf the gold necklace he wears and his armor, and dies. Beowulf describes the treasure as his final gift to his people, and passes on his kingship to Wiglaf, who is clearly the most deserving and competent of the Geats.

How is Wiglaf like Beowulf? – Wiglaf is very much like the young Beowulf the reader meets in the early sections of the poem. He, too, is strong, loyal and courageous. When Beowulf goes to fight the dragon, he brings his best men with him. He instructs them to remain on the barrow; he will fight the dragon alone.

What is Wiglaf’s internal conflict? – Internal Conflict: The conflict takes place within Beowulf’s mind and is motivated by his belief in God, along with his self-doubt; he feels that he is somehow responsible for the bad fate that has befallen the Geats.

How did Wiglaf help Beowulf defeat the dragon? – Beowulf fights the dragon with the help of his companion, Wiglaf. He tries to use his sword, but it breaks when he strikes the dragon. Wiglaf stabs the dragon in the belly and then Beowulf uses a knife to strike the final blow.

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