Which of these duties are resp

Which of these duties are responsibilities of the corporatetreasurer?

a. financial statements and taxes

b. cash management and tax reporting

c. cash management and banking relationships

d. raising capital and financial statements

Corporate finance(Financial management) deals with main three types of managerialdecision making

problems in thecontext of business except:

a. Investment decisionmaking problems

b. Financing decisionmaking problems

c. Staffing decisionmaking problems

d. Assets (workingcapital) management decision making problems


Whichof these duties are responsibilities of the corporatetreasurer?
a.financial statements and taxes
b.cash management and tax reporting
c. cash management and banking relationships
d.raising capital and financial statements
Treasurer is responsible for General financial oversight, Financialreporting, Banking, book keeping and record keeping , Control offixed assets and stock etc
Corporate finance (Financial management) deals with main threetypes of managerial decision making
problems in the context of business except:
a.Investment decision making problems
b.Financing decision making problems
c. Staffing decision making problems
d.Assets (working capital) management decision making problems
Financial Management deals with three types of decisions : 1.Investment decisions 2. Financing decisions 3. Working Capitaldecisions.

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