Which of these systems needs t
(Pre-Lab) Which of these systems needs to be treated as a transmission line system and why? Justify your answer quantitatively. Indicate any assumptions that you are making.
(a) Integrated circuit at high frequencies (500 MHz – 1 GHz)
(b) Electrical lines running through your house
(c) Electrical lines connecting cities separated by hundreds of kilometers
(d) VHF antenna that leads from a rabbit ear antenna to your television
For this question the answer is (C) Electrical lines connectingcities separated by hundreds of kilometers
1) first we know, if other answer are not Correct :(a)integratedcircuit at high frequency(500MHz- 1GHz) is not correct answerbecause for IC (integrated circuit) operating frequency is given soit is not correct, Next (b)Electrical lines running through yourhouse is not correct because the line running in the house is lowvoltage and that are Distribution line so this also not correctanswer and next (d) VHF antenna that leads from a rabbit earantenna to your television this also not correct answer becausethis is not a transmission line system here the the transmission isthrough air not through transmission line so this also not correctanswer.
2) The correct answer for question is (c) Electrical linesconnecting cities separated by hundreds of kilometers because thetransmission line is used for transmitting the power to longdistance for hundreds of kilometers and it this transmission poweris not given to the customers the only purpose of this line is usedto transmission of power.
3) Normally this transmission line are connect the powergenerating station to substation near to the cities and the ratingof this transmission line is 440kV,220kV,110kV,66kV and 33kVetc.