Work the following problem in

Work the following problem in Excel or Excel QM

Zoe Garcia is the manager of a small office-support businessthat supplies copying, binding, and other services for localcompanies. Zoe must replace a worn-out copy machine that is usedfor black-and- white copying. Two machines are being considered,and each of these has a monthly lease cost plus a cost for eachpage that is copied. Machine 1 has a monthly lease cost of $600,and there is a cost of $0.010 per page copied. Machine 2 has amonthly lease cost of $400, and there is a cost of $0.015 per pagecopied. Customers are charged $0.05 per page for copies.


What is the break-even point for each machine?

Machine 1: $ 15,000

BEP = f / ( s – v )



MAchine 2:



If Zoe expects to make 10,000 copes per month, what is the costfor each machine?

Machine 1: $ 700

Proft = TR – TC

TR = s * X

S = 0.05

X = 10000

TR = 500

TC = fi+ (v * X)

fi = 600

v = 0.01

X = 10000



Machine 2: $


TC = fi+ (v * X)

fi = 400

v = 0.015

X = 10000



If Zoe expects to make 30,000 copes per month, what is the costfor each machine?

Machine 1: $ 900

Proft = TR – TC

TR = s * X

S = 0.05

X = 30000

TR =0.05*30000

TR = 1500

TC = fi+ (v * X)

fi = 600

v = 0.01

X = 30000



Machine 2: $


TC = fi+ (v * X)

fi = 400

v = 0.015

X = 30000



At what volume (the number of copes) would the two machines havethe same monthly cost?


TC1 = TC2


600+(0.01*X) = 400 + (0.015*X)

600-400=0.015X – 0.01X


200/0.005 = 40000

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