XYZ Corp.’s outstanding bonds

XYZ Corp.’s outstanding bonds have a $5,000 par value and theymature in 5 years. Their yield-to-maturity is 8%, annual couponrate is 6%, and semi-annual compounding.

  • (a) What’s the bond’s current market price?
  • (b) What is the bond’s current yield?
  • (c) If the Yield-to-maturity is 4%, what’s the bond’s currentmarket price?

please write the answer and how you worked it out on hereinstead of paper

  • (d) If the Yield-to-maturity is 4%, what is the bond’s currentyield?


a.Information provided:

Par value= future value=$5,000

Time= 5 years*2= 10 semi-annualperiods

Coupon rate= 6%/2= 3%

Coupon payment= 0.03*5,000= $150per semi-annual period

Yield to maturity= 8%/2= 4% persemi-annual period

The price of the bond is calculatedby computing the present value of the bond.

Enter the below in a financialcalculator to compute the present value:

FV= 5,000

PMT= 150

N= 10

I/Y= 4

Press the CPT key and PV tocalculate the present value of the bond.

The value obtained is4,594.46.

Therefore, the price of the bond is$4,594.46.

b.Current yield is calculated usingthe below formula:

Current Yield= Annualinterest/Current price

= $150 / $4,594.46

= 0.0326*100

= 3.26%.

c..Information provided:

Par value= future value=$5,000

Time= 5 years*2= 10 semi-annualperiods

Coupon rate= 6%/2= 3%

Coupon payment= 0.03*5,000= $150per semi-annual period

Yield to maturity= 4%/2= 2% persemi-annual period

The price of the bond is calculatedby computing the present value of the bond.

Enter the below in a financialcalculator to compute the present value:

FV= 5,000

PMT= 150

N= 10

I/Y= 2

Press the CPT key and PV tocalculate the present value of the bond.

The value obtained is5,449.13.

Therefore, the price of the bond is$5,449.13.

d.Current yield is calculated usingthe below formula:

Current Yield= Annualinterest/Current price

= $150 / $5,449.13

= 0.0275*100

= 2.75%.

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