You have been assigned to an I

You have been assigned to an ICT firm for your attachmentstudies and as a result, required to learn and aid in some basicIT-related activities.i. As part of your first task, yoursupervisor requests you to aid with the development of a bankticketing system that ensures the first time and already admittedcustomers are served according to a predefined preference as shownbelow. Write an algorithm that would ensure customers can beawarded tickets and served based on the type of service requested.Ensure you clearly mention all abstract data structures that thealgorithm would use.

Your answer



1) For the first task, I am assuming that you are given an arrayof customers’ work in the bank.

A simple sort will work as it will sort the array and we canassign ticket according to the sorted array

for example the given array is 1 3 4 2 1 2

after sorting, it will become 1 1 2 2 3 4 and now we can assignthem tickets according to their preference.


take array as input

sort the array

assign ticket

Data Structures Used is array.

2) For the second task

if we don’t want to print A type score then just traverse linkedlist and check whether node’s data is equal to it or not

if it’s not equal then print it else don’t print it.








data structure used is linked list as given in input.


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