You manage a donut shop that s

You manage a donut shop that sells two goods – donuts andcoffee. You also face two types of customers – customer type A andcustomer type B, and you see 100 customers of each type. Theirrespective values for the 2 goods you sell are:

Type A

Type B







If you sell donuts and coffee separately, what prices should youcharge for each?

Donuts: $______________

Coffee: $______________

If you sell the 2 goods together as a bundle, what price shouldyou charge for the bundle?



Case 1: Separate Pricing

Take the case of donuts

Revenue at a price of $3=3*100=$300 (only 100 units will besold)

Revenue at a price of $2=2*200=$400 (200 units will be sold)

Revenue is higher if donut is charged a price of $2.

So, Price of donut: $2

Take the case of coffee

Revenue at a price of $8=8*100=$800 (only 100 units will besold)

Revenue at a price of $3=3*200=$600 (200 units will be sold)

Revenue is higher if coffee is charged a price of $8.

So, Price of coffee: $8

Case 2 : Bundle Pricing

Possible prices are $11 (8+3) and $5 (3+2)

Revenue at a price of $5=5*200=$1000 (200 bundles will besold)

Revenue at a price of $11=11*100=$1100 (only 100 bundles will besold)

Revenue is higher if bundle is charged a price of $11.

So, Price of bundle: $11


If you sell donuts and coffee separately, what pricesshould you charge for each?

Donuts: $2

Coffee: $8

If you sell the 2 goods together as a bundle, what priceshould you charge for the bundle?

Bundle: $11

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