You noticed that some of your

You noticed that some of your kitchen appliances athome are defective. Think of the possible damages and the ways tofix them. For each damage you need to identify the repair (fixes).You need to find at least 5 defects and 5 fixes. Your answer shouldbe in paragraph format.


1. Igniter-

The igniter of the gas stove may click without the burner everlighting.

Remedy- First check that the burner cap is in position andproperly alinged. It can also happen due a recent boil over orspill on the stovetop. If it is the just wait for some minutes thestovetop will dry and everything will be fine. If this doesn’t worksource is likely to be the igniter. To clean it remove the burnercap and wipe away any debris. You can also use a metal pin to cleanaway any debris. The. it will be good to go.

2. Inefficient refrigerator-

Refrigerator sometimes doesn’t work spoiling all the foods.

Remedy- Sometimes due to weather change the refrigeratortemperature needs to be adjusted. If temperature change is notworking then yoi need to clean the refrigerator specially coils inthe back of the refrigerator needs cleaning . After removing thecoil clean it throughly . Clean the inside of the refrigerator toocause the stinking smell after rotting any food may spoil the otherfoods.

3. Smelly drainage-

This may happen due to the dirty water passes through the drainand rots. This may bring a foul smell through the wholekitchen.

Remedy- This can be fixed with baking soda and lemon juice. Youhave to mix this two and keep the the mixture on drainage for 10-15min and then clean it with clean boiling water.

4. Blockage in kitchen sink-

Kitchen sink some times gets blocked if you pour water withsolid food residue with it.

Remedy- You have to use a plunger and small pipe to try to pushair inside the sink so that it can be unblocked.

5. Kitchen drawers that stick-

Some kitchen drawers gets jammed and very hard to open.

Remedy- Remove them completely and then wash the runner withdish soap. After that use few drops of lubricant on the runners andit will work perfectly and you will save a lot of muscle power.

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