Your instructor administers a

  1. Your instructor administers a 5 question multiple choice test.Each question has 4 possible answers of which 1 answer is correct.Find the probability of getting at least 1 questioncorrect
  2. You and 5 friends are interested in forming a club.How many different ways can a President, Treasurer and Secretary beselected?
  3. A journalist has 10 books to review. Of the 10 booksbeing reviewed, he can select 4 reviews for publication. How manyways can the 4 reviews be selected?
  4. Winning the grand prize at a carnival game requiresyou to randomly select 7 different numbers, ranging from 0 to 35,and matching the same 7 numbers drawn at the end of the carnival.The order in which you select the 7 numbers does not matter. Whatis the probability of winning the prize?


  1. Your instructor administers a 5 question multiple choice test.Each question has 4 possible answers of which 1 answer is correct.Find the probability of getting at least 1 questioncorrect

P(atleast 1 correct) = 1- P(no correct) = 1 – (0.75^5) =0.7627

  1. You and 5 friends are interested in forming a club.How many different ways can a President, Treasurer and Secretary beselected?


  1. A journalist has 10 books to review. Of the 10 booksbeing reviewed, he can select 4 reviews for publication. How manyways can the 4 reviews be selected?


  1. Winning the grand prize at a carnival game requiresyou to randomly select 7 different numbers, ranging from 0 to 35,and matching the same 7 numbers drawn at the end of the carnival.The order in which you select the 7 numbers does not matter. Whatis the probability of winning the prize?


P(winning) = 1/6724520

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